Jannine is a NYS Licensed Mental Health Counselor in private practice in East Setauket Long Island for 20 years. She is a Board Certified Professional Counselor, Diplomate Status, a Nationally Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Certified Clinical Trauma Professional and a Certified Yoga Instructor.
Through many years of providing counseling to individuals and couples, I have witnessed some common threads .Whether the issue is within a relationship or within their own being, ultimately they seek to develop the contentment of the self. In order to develop self contentment we must recognize when we are out of balance and understand the strategies necessary to bring ourselves back into balance.
Our most common and pervasive mental health issues are anxiety and depression. From these two distresses come many other difficulties. Addictions, chaotic relationships, discontentment, disorder and grief.
Using an Integrative Approach to psychotherapy which includes a variety of counseling and wellness strategies my clients have changed their life experience.
Stay Well.....
Aetna, Anthem, Beacon, Cigna, Empire BCBS, Magnacare, Value Options, NYSHIP, United Healthcare, Oxford
Sattva Wellness & Counseling, 47 Route 25A East Setauket, NY 11733